
If you supply a prepared digital file for us to print from, we don't just press the green print button and hope that it's going to print properly. We process all supplied files through an extensive 'preflight' process. This unique software identifies and often fixes all sorts of glitches found in even the most carefully prepared files. Some of the things we look for are trim sizes, colour issues, missing bleeds, items too close to the trim edge, low resolution of images, RGB instead of CMYKrich blacks, incorrect folding panel sizes and font issues. Trapping, imposition, colour profiling, and proof generation are also automatically fixed. Warnings are generated if the files don't meet print quality requirements.

Graphic Designer1


If there are warnings, we will contact you before any costs are incurred. At that point, you can either:

1) Tell us to proceed as is, or

2) Fix/modify and re-supply a new file, or

3) Ask if we can fix the file for you. We can usually correct most issues and charged accordingly.