What is GRACoL?
GRACoL stands for the General Requirements for Applications in Commercial Offset Lithography. GRACoL is a color reproduction specification. [Read more]
How has Fotoprint implemented the GRACoL standard?
By utilizing the award-winning ORIS software combined with the Xitron Sierra workflow, we have profiled and calibrated all of our full colour output devices to one standard: GRACoL. This means, to the best of the output device's ability, we are able to achieve consistent colour whether your document is being printed offset, digital, or wide format. Rather than trying to match proofer to press, or inkjet to laser, each device now targets the GRACoL industry-wide standard.
Where can I download the GRACoL profile?
Here: ORIS_GRACoL2006_Coated1.icc (right-click and choose 'save as' [ctrl-click for old mac users])
How do I install the profile in my Adobe CS applications?
Note: the GRACoL icc profile is not unique to Fotoprint. If you are already set up for another print shop using GRACoL, you do not need to install this profile.
- Download the file above and save it to your desktop or another easily accessible place
- On Windows, right-click on the profile and choose 'install profile'. On Mac OSX, copy the icc profile to /Library/ColorSync/Profiles (or, if you do not have admin privileges, /Users/Library/ColorSync/Profiles)
- Launch Photoshop and select Edit->Color Settings
- Change the RGB space to Adobe RGB (1998), then click on the CMYK space popup and select Load CMYK
- You should see the ORIS_GRACoL2006_Coated1.icc in this list. Choose it, and click Load. If it doesn't appear here, navigate to where you saved the file and load it from there.
- Save the custom settings file and give it a unique name such as "Fotoprint GRACoL"
- Open Adobe Bridge, and choose Edit->Creative Suite Color Settings
- Select the Fotoprint GRACoL (or whatever you named it in step 6) and hit Apply. Your CS applications are now set up for the GRACoL cmyk standard.