Raw files

Art files

If you don't have the experience or the software to create a PDF file, we will accept raw files from many current and not-so-current applications such as Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,  QuarkXPress, Adobe Creative Suite, and Microsoft Office. Please note that we do not always have the latest versions of these applications, as most of them can easily create a PDF (see your application's documentation).

When supplying native files, it is important to include any linked images and fonts that have been used. Even though a font may seem commonplace, there are many versions of fonts with the same name. Supplying every font file will will help minimize the chance of text reflow, printing errors, and other potential problems. For good quality reproduction, linked images should be a minimum of 300 dpi at finished size.

If you have any reservations, please contact us.